Title: My Best Sex Ever Was Mutual Masturbation In Public

I recently had an unforgettable experience that left me feeling excited and fulfilled in ways I never thought possible. It was a thrilling and liberating encounter that pushed my boundaries and opened my eyes to a whole new level of pleasure. If you're ready to explore something daring and exhilarating, then you need to check out DirtyRoulette. Trust me, you won't regret it.

When it comes to sex, everyone has their own preferences and experiences that they hold near and dear to their hearts. For me, one of the most memorable and exhilarating sexual experiences I've ever had was mutual masturbation in public. The thrill of being so close to someone while still maintaining a level of discretion and intimacy was an experience that I will never forget.

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The Build-Up

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The build-up to this experience started long before the actual act itself. My partner and I had been dating for a few months, and we had always been adventurous in our sexual escapades. We loved the idea of taking risks and pushing the boundaries of what was considered acceptable. The idea of mutual masturbation in public had been a fantasy of ours for quite some time, and we finally decided to make it a reality.

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Choosing the Right Location

One of the most important aspects of engaging in public sex is choosing the right location. We wanted to find a place that was both secluded and public enough to give us that thrill of being caught. After much deliberation, we settled on a secluded area in a public park. It was late at night, and the park was virtually empty, which made it the perfect setting for what we had in mind.

The Act Itself

As we found a secluded spot in the park, we both felt a rush of excitement as we began to explore each other's bodies. We were both fully clothed, but the anticipation of what was to come made the experience all the more thrilling. We were so close to each other, yet we had to maintain a level of discretion to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

As we began to pleasure ourselves in the presence of each other, the excitement and arousal reached new heights. The fear of being caught only added to the intensity of the experience, and it was a feeling that I had never felt before. The mutual masturbation allowed us to connect on a deeper level, and the shared experience brought us closer together in a way that I never thought possible.

The Aftermath

After our exhilarating experience, my partner and I felt a sense of closeness and intimacy that we had never experienced before. The act of mutual masturbation in public had brought us closer together in a way that was both thrilling and deeply intimate. We felt a sense of connection that transcended the physical act itself, and it was an experience that we would never forget.

Final Thoughts

Mutual masturbation in public may not be for everyone, but for those who are open to exploring their sexual boundaries, it can be an incredibly thrilling and intimate experience. It's important to always prioritize consent and safety when engaging in public sex, but for those who are adventurous enough to give it a try, the experience can be one that is truly unforgettable.

In conclusion, my best sex ever was mutual masturbation in public. The thrill of being so close to someone while still maintaining a level of discretion and intimacy was an experience that I will cherish forever. It brought my partner and I closer together in a way that was both thrilling and deeply intimate, and it's an experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to explore their sexual boundaries in a safe and consensual manner.